Template für Bibliotheca Plus/OPEN Vollständige URL der Seite für den Kontozugriff Vollständige URL der Seite für die erweiterte Suche
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Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
{{'portalId':'{$portalId}', 'userName': '{$userRndId}', 'copyId': '{$book._copyId}', 'copyIds': '{$book._copyId}', 'culture':'{$culture}', 'localResourceFile':'{$localResourceFile}'}}
if (exists($renew-button)) then form := form-combine($user-form, ($renew-books ! {(.)._renewid: "on"}, $renew-button) ) else vl:raise-internal("Verlängerungsbutton nicht gefunden. Vielleicht ist die Karte abgelaufen.") form := form-combine($user-form, ($cancel-books[(.).statusId eq 'ordered'] ! {(.)._cancelid: "on"}, $cancel-ordered-button) ) form := form-combine($user-form, ($cancel-books[(.).statusId eq 'provided'] ! {(.)._cancelid: "on"}, $cancel-provided-button) ) $current-page := $current-page - 1 $current-page := $current-page + 1 $current-page := $current-page + 1, $last-visited-page := $current-page loggedIn := false()
{ search-form := form(., (.//input[@name[contains(., "BtnSearch") and not(contains(., "SearchSlot"))]])[1] ), search-fields := .//select[contains(@name, "SearchField")]/@name, search-values := .//input[contains(@name, "SearchValue")]/@name, search-year-values := .//input[contains(@name, "Year")]/@name, let $selects := //select let $names := {"libraryBranch": "BranchValue", "mediaType": "MediaGroupValue"} return ( select-map := map:merge(for $key in map:keys($names) return {$key:$selects[ends-with(@name, $names($key))]}), search-params := ( "title", "author", "free", "keywords", "year", "isbn", map:keys($select-map)!{"name": ., "options": $select-map(.)//option} ) ) }
current-page := 1, last-visited-page := 1, next-page := (), search-keys := {"title": "Title", "author": "Author", "free": "Free", "keywords": "Keyword", "isbn": "ISBNandISSN"}, search-reverse-keys := {"Publisher": "publisher", "ProductionYear": "year", "Author": "author", "IsbnTitle": "isbn", "1stIsbnTitle": "isbn", "Free": "free"}, startSearch := form-combine($search-form, {| $search-year-values ! { .: $book.year }, for $key in map:keys($book) where $book($key) and $search-keys($key) count $i where $i le count($search-fields) return {$search-fields[$i] : $search-keys($key), $search-values[$i]: $book($key)}, for $key in jn:keys($book) where $book($key) and $select-map($key) return {$select-map($key)/@name: $book($key)} |}) $target-page := $last-visited-page + 1 target-page := $book._page combined-detail-form := if (starts-with($book._detailId, "http")) then $book._detailId else form-combine($form, {'__EVENTTARGET': $book._detailId}) urlaccount := $loginlink loggedIn := true() need-reserve-request-target := (get("holding",())[1]("_orderTarget"), $book._orderTarget)[.] need-reserve-request-target := ()