Template für das Primo-System volle Serverurl, inklusive trailing slash (z.B.: http://portal.ub.tu-berlin.de/primo_library/libweb/action/) Login-URL für Interne (Studenten) Login-URL für Externe (veraltet) Institutsid der Bücherei im Primosystem declare function local:raise($err){ string($err) ! (if (matches(., "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen|The login credentials are incorrect|Benutzerkonto abgelaufen oder ungültige UserID und/oder Passwort|The username you entered cannot be identified|Wrong username or password|Ungültige Ausweisnummer und/oder Passwort")) then vl:raise-login(.) else vl:raise(.)) }; $primo-explore := contains($baseurl, '/primo-explore') server := substring-before($baseurl, "/primo-explore"), vid := extract($baseurl, "vid=([^"||$amp||"]+)", 1) declare function local:raise($err){ string($err) ! (if (matches(., "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen|The login credentials are incorrect|Benutzerkonto abgelaufen oder ungültige UserID und/oder Passwort|The username you entered cannot be identified|Wrong username or password|Ungültige Ausweisnummer und/oder Passwort")) then vl:raise-login(.) else vl:raise(.)) };() i := 1, datasend := false() $request := let $auth := $authentication((if ($type ge 1) then $type else 1)) let $targeturl := x"{uri-encode($server)}/primo-explore/account?vid={uri-encode($vid)}" let $preurl := $server || "/primo_library/libweb/primoExploreLogin" return if ($auth.authentication-system = "ALMA") then request-combine( {"url": $preurl, "method": "POST"}, {"authenticationProfile": $auth.profile-name, "institution": $institute, "password": $password, "targetUrl": $targeturl, "username": $username, "view": $vid} ) else $preurl || x"?institution={uri-encode($institute)}&target-url={uri-encode($targeturl)}&authenticationProfile={uri-encode($auth.profile-name)}&auth={uri-encode($auth.authentication-system)}&isSilent=false" $request := get("login-url-" || (if ($type ge 1) then $type else 1), ()), if ($request) then () else $request := get("login-url") let $j := json($raw) where $j("jwtData") return ( $i := 10000, authentication-header := $j("jwtData") ) {i:=10000}



{request := form(., {"username": $username, "password": $password} ), datasend := true()}
{request := form(., {"j_username": $username, "j_password": $password, "_eventId_proceed": .//button[@name = "_eventId_proceed"]/@value} ), datasend := true()}
{i := 10000}
{ let $buttons := ((.//input, .//button)[@type=("submit", "image")], .//button, .//input[@type="button"]) let $proceed := $buttons[@name = "_eventId_proceed"] return $request := form(., ($proceed, $buttons)[1] ) }
{$request} {$request}
{$request := form(., ((.//input, .//button)[@type=("submit", "image")], .//button, .//input[@type="button"])[1] )}
{$request} $i := $i + 1 vl:raise-internal("Zuviele Weiterleitungen beim Login. Aktuelle Seite: " || base-uri() || substring(join(//body), 1, 1000)) videlibri:delete-current-books() videlibri:delete-current-books()
Accept: application/json,*/*
Authorization: Bearer {$authentication-header}
xquery version "3.0-videlibri"; if (not(matches($raw, "^\s*[\[{]"))) then vl:raise(inner-text()) else let $answer := json($raw) return for $loan in $answer.data.loans.loan() return $book := $loan!{ "category": itemcategoryname, "year": year, "author": author, "id": callnumber, "issueDate": parse-date(loandate, "yyyymmdd"), "title": title, "libraryBranch": mainlocationname, "_itemid": itemid, "_loanid": loanid, "dueDate": parse-date(duedate, "yyyymmdd"), "status": loanstatus, "statusId": if (renew eq "Y") then "curious" else "critical", "barcode": itembarcode }
Accept: application/json,*/*
Authorization: Bearer {$authentication-header}
xquery version "3.0-videlibri"; let $answer := json($raw) let $data := $answer.data return for $type in ("hold", "request", "ill") let $types := $type || "s" for $loan in $data($types)($type)() return $book := $loan!{ "cancelable": cancel eq "Y", "libraryBranch": pickuplocationname, "author": author, "title": title, "status": holdstatus, "statusId": if (available eq "Y") then "provided" else "ordered", "_requestid": requestid, "_request_type": $types, "issueDate": parse-date(requestdate, "yyyymmdd") }
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept: application/json,*/*
Authorization: Bearer {$authentication-header}
POST {{"id": {$b._loanid} }}
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept: application/json,*/*
Authorization: Bearer {$authentication-header}
POST {{"request_id": {$b._requestid}, "request_type": {$b._request_type} }}
{"author": "creator", "title": "title", "keywords": "subject", "isbn": "isbn", "year": "cdate"} redirect:=()